Download the pdf file of the January 23, 2024, Minutes.
Northwest Georgia Fire Chiefs Association
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2024
Rome, Georgia
Host: Rome Fire Department
Scribe: T. Prather, Secretary
10:00 AM Meeting Called to Order – Bruce King
- Welcome:
- Fire Chief Troy Brock, Rome Fire Department
- Pledge of Allegiance – Chief King
- Invocation – Ronnie Cowart
- Chief King
- Welcomed everyone and announced this is his first meeting as President so hang in there with him.
- Meeting Minutes (November) – Chief King
- Reported that the meeting minutes from November were received and reviewed.
- Chief King asked for a motion to approve minutes as presented, received a second, no discussion, passed.
- TREASURERS REPORT – Chief King (Chief Chad Davis not present)
2023 Annual Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance Jan 2023: $6,892.95
Deposits: $2,980.00
Expenses: Checks: $2,000.00
Debit Card: $1,360.07
Ending Balance Dec 2023: $6512.88
January 2024 Treasurer’s Report
- Previous ending balance $6,512.88
- Deposits: 00
- Expense:00
- Ending Balance $6,572.88
- Chief King asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented, received a second, no discussion and passed.
Agency Reports
GFSTC – Christina Tipton
- Reported they are making strides with the online testing.
- Reported that 6,352 students have tested since May 2023
- Reported that they have seen an improvement in test scores.
- Reported they are meeting weekly with Acadis.
- Reported that notices will be sent out not to enter anything into the system.
- Informed everyone that if they need proctors/monitors, please let her know.
- Informed all the evaluators to keep evaluating.
- Informed everyone that training opportunities is being posted on Facebook.
- Provided notice of the Rome Training Spreadsheet is available.
- Informed everyone that if you have someone needing testing, contact her on Monday.
- More Haz Mat training opportunities are coming.
GPSTC – Ronnie Cowart
- Informed everyone that two pump simulators are on order.
- The are in the process of trying to procure a driving simulator.
- Reminded everyone that the AFG Grant will be opening soon.
- Encouraged everyone to look at the Governor’s Budget – and stuff for GFA.
- Informed all of the GFSTC App and go to in and set up.
- Reminded everyone that he feels blessed to be serving in the strongest area of the state and encourages everyone to keep doing what they are doing.
Training Section
- Reported that they met prior to the regular meeting.
- Reported they are working strong on scheduling training for the region.
- They are planning to host the basic firefighter class two times in our region. The calendar is out.
- Encouraged each department to get their Training Officer on the distribution list.
Pension Fund – Luther
- Reported that there is no legislation pending this year.
- Reported there is no new database.
- Reported that they are in the middle of receiving affidavits for volunteers.
- Emphasized that volunteer members must be actively participating to remain in the fund.
- Reported that there will be a review in June for any potential COLA.
GEMA – Bruce King
- Reported that at the end of April, there will be mobile communications training available.
GSAR – Terry Mills
- Reported that the GSAR Trailer has been ordered.
- Reported that they have equipment that needs repaired.
- Reported that a new Grant process will be coming up soon.
- Reported that Chief Saylors is required to maintain the database for GSAR. He emphasized that information and training must be continuously updated to be eligible for grants that are made available.
- Announced that quarterly training will be coming out soon.
- Announced multiple rope classes will be coming soon.
- Reported that they are working on a Wilderness Search class.
TIME – B Sutton
- Announced the TIME Task Force meeting will be held 2-22-2024 in Bartow County at Life Point Church.
FORESTRY – No Report
- Announced the adoption of 123-3 2024 Life Safety Code
- Informed everyone that they need to be procuring the new code.
- Announced that the update will now come on a 5 year cycle vs six year.
- Announced the Georgia Fire Investigators Conference will be 3-11-2024 in Cobb County.
- Reminded everyone of the results of the November election of officers
President-Bruce King; First Vice President Clay Walker; Second VP Terry Mills; Secretary Tim Prather; Treasurer Chad Davis. - Announced that Tom Johnson had been elected as new Chairman of Chaplain Corps in Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services.
- Announced that the treasurer’s audit for 2023 is still pending, but should have it available to present at the next meeting.
- Reminder that 2-2-2024 is Firefighter recognition day at the Capitol.
- Announced each year that the association usually makes a donation for the evening dinner at Firefighter Recognition day. A motion was sought to continue to support the event. A motion was entered to donate $500.00. Motion received a second and passed.
- Announced the next meeting will at 10:00 March 26, 2024 hosted by Bartow County Fire. The address of the meeting is 5433 Covenant Drive, Cartersville GA 30121.
- The May meeting will be hosted by Polk County Fire.
- The July meeting will be the joint conference in Cobb County.
Presentation By Red Cross – Craig
- Announced that they are reliant on the fire department to get information on people in need.
- Reported that the number 1 incident they respond to are home fires.
- Announced that they can be called for any home situation.
- Reported that they are conducting home fire campaigns involving installing smoke detectors and conducting a community outreach program to identify vulnerable high-risk populations.
- Additionally, they have fire education programs for communities.
- 1-800-Board Up
- Gave a brief report on the services offered by 1-800-Board Up and that they work closely with the Red Cross.
Southeast Restoration – Keith Berryman
- Gave report that they work with closing out an incident and they also work with the Red Cross to mitigate incidents.
- Loss Evaluator is also a product that is available to assist fire departments with determining actual loss and saves.
- Closed in saying that he is passionate about assisting fire departments and please give them a call if needed.
- Chief King asked for any other business from the floor.
- Cowart reminded everyone of the AFG Grant opening 1-19-2024.
- Announcement that Wayne Lockhart was appointed to the GFSTC.
- Thank you to Chief Troy Brock for hosting and providing lunch.
- The food was blessed.
Motion to adjourn for lunch at 11:26; seconded and approved.
Tim Prather