Download the pdf file of the January 24, 2023, Minutes.

Northwest Georgia Fire Chiefs Association
Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2023
Location: Rome, Georgia
Host:  Rome Fire Department
Scribe:  T. Prather, Secretary

10:02 AM
Meeting Called to Order – Chief Bruce King (Representing Chief Darrell Mitchell)
Pledge of Allegiance – Chief Bruce King
Invocation – Chief Ronnie Cowart

Fire Chief Troy Brock

Chief Bruce King: Opening Remarks – glad to see good attendance.
Recognized and welcomed New Fire Chief Bill Ward, Bartow County

Chief Bruce King:
Approval Meeting minutes (November, 2022), motion, second and approved.


Chief Bruce King:
Treasurers Report – (Representing Treasurer Chief Chad Davis)

Beginning Balance: $7,041.95
Revenue 20.00
Expense – Ups $   149.00
Expense- Meal 35.63
Expense – Alzheimer’s 500.00
January Balance: $6,377.32

  • Chief Bruce informed everyone that the new officers are in place for 2023. President-Chief Darrell Mitchell(Cherokee County Fire); 1st Vice President-Chief Bruce King(Bartow County Fire); 2nd Vice President, Chief Clay Walker(Rome Fire), Secretary-Chief Tim Prather(Pickens County Fire) and Treasurer-Chief Chad Davis(Cherokee County Fire).

Committee Report:

Georgia Association Fire Chiefs: Chief Marcus Warren

  • Reminded everyone of Firefighter Recognition Day coming up February 7, 2023.
  • Reminder of the GAFC Conference coming March 26-29, 2023 in Savannah.
  • Registration should open up later this month.
  • Provided EMS Report

Georgia State Firefighters Association: District Rep Jason Amerson

  • Announced representation for the district.
  • Also reminded Firefighter Recognition Day and the following $15.00 Dinner in the evening.
  • Also, a reminder of the GAFC Conference in March.
  • Informed everyone that most of the GSFA reps are in this district.
  • Thanked NWGFCA for supporting the association.
  • Goal for the year is to increase membership in the association.
  • Reminded everyone to check emails coming from the association.
  • Informed everyone that the PTSD Bill is still ongoing. Still working on the bill. (Ronnie Cowart provided comments regarding the difference between the PTSD and the Cancer Bill)
  • Also noted by Chief King that the sprinkler bill is still in discussion.
  • Note that the new GSFA Board is still in the learning process.

Georgia Firefighter Standards & Training: Not in attendance

Georgia Fire Academy – Ronnie Cowart

  • Reported not a whole lot to report.
  • Effort being put forth to fill up courses.
  • Emphasized the importance of the North Georgia Volunteer Initiative. Noted that this is not only for volunteer personnel….career personnel encouraged to attend as well.
  • They will provide or designate an instructor for the Initiative training.
  • They are adding more regional classes.
  • March 11, Pressurized Container Class – Cleveland
  • Several (7) classes are already on the list for the district in Cleveland.

Georgia Firefighters Pension Fund: Luther

  • Reported that the board is meeting Wednesday with Senator Albers to discuss seeking additional funding.
  • Reported that the idea of continuing to work in the fire service and drawing from the pension fund doesn’t seem healthy.
  • Chief Cowart commented on the idea of funding outside the Insurance Premium.
  • Reported they are still hosting department meetings.

GSAR:  Chief Terry Mills

  • Reported receiving $66,000 grant. Purchased extrication equipment.
  • Replaced cutters, spreaders.
  • Shoring Package
  • Working to upgrade the air bag system.
  • Working on updating task books, SOP’s, and training.
  • Reported that they have been stood-up for a couple of deployments.

GEMA – Not in Attendance

GMAG – Chief Bruce King – Area 6 Representative

  • GMAG Meets Tuesday
  • Reported 12 deployments last year.
  • If there are any updates, they should go to the state at [email protected].
  • Announced the Officers
  • Reminder of FF Appreciation Day and many seats still available.
  • Reported that we need a good rep for congress.

GENERAL ORDER – New Business  

  • Chief Bruce King – reported that the Executive Board recommended donating $500.00 towards the FF Appreciation Day Dinner. Motion was entered, seconded, and passed by the general membership.
  • Chief Chad Davis previously mentioned that several dues have not been paid. If anyone has not received an invoice, please let him know.
  • Gordon County spoke for Ray King announcing that the Time Task Force moved the dates from January to March for their grant applications.
  • Plan are underway for the TTF to be meeting with Tennessee.
  • A MOU has been created between Georgia and Tennessee.


Southeast Restoration / Emergency Response –  Mike Smith

  • They are still working on the loss evaluator for determining fire loss. He explained the benefits of using the program. Reported Dawson County and Donaldsonville are using the program with success.
  • Introduced Keith Berryman as the local rep for Southeastern/Emergency Response.
  • Reported their program has a gear cleaning program for bunker gear. They can be contacted at 1-800-Textiles.


  • Announced current delivery times of their fire apparatus. Pumpers are at the 2 year delivery time and aerials at 36 months.
  • Reported up charging with equipment suppliers.


  • The By-Laws have now been posted on the web site.
  • Announced the new Bartow County Fire Chief Billy Ward
  • Announced the new Dawson County Fire Chief Troy Leist
  • Announcement that we would like to increase membership and get more our area departments involved.

CLOSING – Bruce King

  • Asked for anything else for the good of the order. Nothing additional.
  • Chief Troy Brock announced lunch.
  • Announced that the next meeting will be replaced by the Fire Chief Conference.
  • Motion to adjourn: 11:07; seconded and approved.

Tim Prather