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The Annual Meeting of the NwGFCA took place at the Clarence Brown Conf. Center in Cartersville, and was hosted by the Bartow County Fire Department. The meeting started with a Vendor Expo from the Sustaining members of the Association. Following the Expo was a meal sponsored by 1-800-BOARDUP.
The meeting was called to order at approx. 1900 hours by President Dwayne Jamison. Invocation was given by Chaplain Jared Harris.
Seventeen members from eight departments, along with nine members from six sustaining partners and one representative from the Firefighter Pension Fund were in attendance.
Financial report: balance as of 12-31-12 is $2,489.00 given by Treasurer Chief McGhee.
Training committee report: Jared Harris, Chairman reported on various courses in process or completed. He Also reported on the training calendar. Training courses target the courses previously identified in the needs analysis. Open public safety institute $225.00 for eight week course. Members of NwGFCA receive a discount. Jared can provide more detailed information on these courses via email. Fire Officer 1,2,3 Apparatus Driver/Operator Pumper, Aerial, etc.
Jared Harris announced that he has resigned his position as program director at Georgia Northwestern Technical College.
GMAG report: statewide elections this Thursday 10am at GPSTC. Can submit vote on website as proxy.
Chief Jamison gave an update on request from Gordon County Fire Dept. for FF Greene family funeral arrangements; backfill needs 3 engines and three tankers. Calhoun FD will provide an officer with knowledge of Gordon County. Three firefighters per engine required. Friday at 9am until at least 5pm. Apparatus will report to GCFD HQ. All departments will coordinate with Chief Mitchell (Area 6 Mutual Aid Coordinator)
Area 6 Mutual Aid Plan: Chief Jamison: a living document. Needs to be reviewed annually, changed as needed. Training necessary for those who will need to implement plan and participate in the plan. (Need to add four more mutual aid coordinators). 1st VP of area 6 is the MAC 6 mutual aid coordinator. Quarterly review and update of Area 6 resources. 2nd VP of area 6 is the backup to the 1st VP as MAC 6. Per Bylaws of NwGFCA. *Read the plan, study the plan, and offer suggestions for changes to the plan. Move forward with work to complete the incomplete portions of the plan, and vote on adoption of the plan.
Chief Chovan working on “mutual aid play book”.
-There was a motion and second from the floor to adopt the plan, with no further discussion the plan was adopted unanimously –plan passed. Great work by Chief Jamison!
Georgia State Firefighters Association report: Chief Swafford. Legislative Dinner and Firefighter Recognition Day at the State Capital. Follow progress on website.
GAFC report: Chief Jamison – unification partners meetings to be scheduled and announced.
GSAR: Dec 4, 2012 ground search drill in Gordon County went well. The drill was Coordinated by Gordon County EMA. Several positions in Logistics Section of GSAR need to be filled. 240 hours of GSAR initial training not necessarily required.
Firefighter Pension Fund report: David Luther. Legislation update- (1) define definition of firefighter (career and volunteer). (2) Also definition of inmate firefighter. (3) Pension dues increase. Volunteers – new point system (online on pension fund website), not mandatory this year. Use it and provide feedback to let them so that changes can be made this year. David also commended the NwGFCA on the many programs they have going on and the progress they are making.
Chief Jamison gave his outgoing speech as President and thanked everyone for their support and confidence in him to do the job. He added that it has been a great honor to serve as President of the organization and to see it grow over the past years. He takes great pride in the fact that other associations are looking at what we do in Area 6 and are adopting many of the programs that we have started here in their own areas. He challenged the new board to continue the progress.
Annual NwGFCA election of officers. Nominations.
President-Chuck Nichols
1st VP – Darrell Mitchell
2nd VP- Rob Tanner
No other nominations. No nominations at this time for secretary/treasurer position. Chief Gary McGhee has agreed to fill in until someone willing to be nominated. Board elected by acclamation.
Member of the Year Award was presented to Battalion Chief Ray King, City of Cartersville Fire Dept. for his hard work and dedication to the 2012 NwGFCA Muster Tour.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Meeting adjourned by President Jamison at 8:36 pm.