Download the pdf file of the July 18, 2023, Minutes.

Northwest Georgia Fire Chiefs Association

Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2023
Location: Canton, Georgia
Host:  Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services
Scribe:  T. Prather, Secretary

10:00 AM                            Meeting Called to Order – Darrell Mitchell

  • Welcome: Fire Chief Eddie Robinson, Cherokee County Fire Chief
  • Chief Mitchell – Request approval of May 2023 meting minutes. Motion, seconded and passed.
  • Chief Mitchell – Introduced the members of the NWGFCA Board.  Chief Chad Davis not present.
  • Chief Mitchell – Reporting for Chief Davis. Reporting ending balance $8,532.96.  A motion to accept treasurers report, seconded and approved.
  • Chief Mitchell – Reported the Training Section did meet this morning prior to this meeting. Those leaders will be providing a report later.

Guest Speaker

  • April Dellinger with Safeware Inc. provided a demonstration showing several pieces of equipment by her company. Lots of discussion from several members especially with EV’s.


  • Chaplain Tom Johnson provided an invocation along with the blessing for lunch.


GAFC – Bruce King  

  • Reminded everyone of the joint conference with the Georgia Firefighters Association coming up August 21-25, 2023 in Augusta Georgia.
  • Reminder of the July 27 deadline to submit for GAFC certification.
  • Reminder that they are looking for nominations for Chief Fire Officer of the Year.
  • Informed everyone of the CISD Video “Come in out of the Rain” that will be released soon.
  • Informed everyone to submit the names of those deceased firefighters that have passed over the last year.

Georgia Firefighters Association – Jason Amerson

  • Also reminded everyone of the joint conference coming up in August.
  • Reported that membership is up 428 since 2022.
  • Informed everyone of legislation in the works: House Bills #574 Srinkler Bill; #451 PTSD Bill; #503-5013C Fire Department Foundation.
  • Advised if there are any items that we would like to be addressed to bring forth to the Resolution Committee.
  • Advised that they are still looking for competition teams for the joint conference.
  • Advised and encouraged that if any departments has any articles of interest that they would like to share with the association to submit them to [email protected]

Standards & Training – Randy Toms

  • He discussed the Volunteer Initiative training going on in the state. They have four groups coordinating the training state-wide.
  • Informed us that some of their leaders are now Field Coordinators.
  • Discussed and described the Basic Program for FF-1, FF-2 & Structure Fire Control
  • Reported to be on the look-out for new classes coming. Some will be related to Electric Vehicles.
  • Reported that they are re-structuring the Fire Officer Course.

Georgia Firefighters Pension – Luther

  • Reported member has increased over 11% over last 15 years.
  • Reported payout has increased 14%
  • Reported most interesting is retirees have increased 111%.
  • Reported that retirees received a 1% increase.
  • Emphasized the importance of updating beneficiaries in the system. Everyone needs to stay on top of that.

TIME – Ray King

  • Reminder that they are still delivering the SHRP 2 Training
  • Reported that they are looking for news letter articles.

GFIA – Cheri Collett

  • Informed everyone that next week is the fall conference for fire investigators.
  • Reporting that the next would be in the Spring in Cobb County.


  • Reported that the association is looking to update rules and regulations.
  • Informed us that the Georgia Fire Academy is delivering certification classes for inspectors.
  • Informed us that the National Fire Academy is offering Haz Mat for Fire inspectors for the first time in Georgia on August 8. You can register online.

Training Section – Pete Little

  • Sent out the reminder that all departments in our area are invited to have representation in the training section.
  • GOAL is to meet an hour before each of the regular NWGFCA meetings. Adding that it is a great time for training officers to network and discuss training and associated issues.
  • They are working on establishing a training calendar to the web.
  • They are also working on a FACEBOOK page as well.
  • They are seeking assistant instructors from any of the area departments.

Chaplains – Darrell Mitchell

  • Asked for input from any of the chaplains attending.
  • Only issue was we need more members to step up in the chaplain programs.

GSAR – Chief Mills

  • Last meeting, they provided an update on the grant program.
  • Statewide meeting of the teams coming soon.
  • We’ve been advised that the state is reporting that team documentation has not been properly completed and FEMA is turning down any request for response as a result.
  • The GOAL of the team is to be deployable outside the borders of the state.
  • Reported that GPSTC is developing classes for Structural Collapse for GSAR and informed that Task Force 6 will have some priority to attend the class.
  • We are hopeful to begin quarterly training again in 2024.

Good of the order

  • Darrell Mitchell – The November meeting will be held in Calhoun, GA. This will allow our area personnel to get familiarized with the GSAR unit.
  • Eddie Robinson – Advised October 6, 2023 is the annual Memorial Service at GPSTC.

Also, there will be a class for “Intro to Color/Honor Guard” available as well.

  • Darrell Mitchell – July 31 is the deadline for scholarships. To date, only 1 applicant has applied.  The application is available on our website and can be submitted online.   Thanks to Josh for his help with the website.


  • NAFECO – Brian
    • Announced that they have new thermal cameras available.
    • Announce they also have new EV products to address electric vehicle incidents.
    • Reported that bunker deliveries are now at 4-5 months.
    • Reported that they still have stock gear available which is GOLD and BLACK.
    • Reported custom gear is getting more reasonable with delivery time as well.
  • SAFEWARE – April Dellinger
    • Informed everyone they do have cooperative contracts
    • Informed that they would be glad to assist with any EV discussion or needs.
  • LOSS EVALUATOR – Mike Smith
    • Reminded everyone that the current NFIRS is going away with a new system coming in 2024.
    • Reported on the use of loss evaluator and it is available 6 months for free.
    • Wayne the “boots on the ground” man described additional duties.

Darrell Mitchell

  • Advised we need three personnel to be on the nominations committee for the annual election to be held in November.
  • Advised the next meeting of the Northwest Georgia Fire Chief Association will be September 26, 2023 in Fannin County hosted by Fire Chief Thomas and Fannin County Fire.

Motion to adjourn, seconded, approved, and enjoy lunch. 

Tim Prather