Download the pdf file of the January 25, 2022, Minutes.

Northwest Georgia Fire Chiefs Association
Meeting Minutes
November 30, 2022
Location: Calhoun Georgia
Host:  Calhoun Fire Department
Scribe:  T. Prather, Secretary

10:02 AM                            Meeting Called to Order – Chief D. Mitchell

Pledge of Allegiance – Chief D. Mitchell

Invocation – Chief Ronnie Cowart

Welcome:                           Fire Chief Lenny Nesbitt, Calhoun Fire Department
Chief Darrell Mitchell:   Opening Remarks – glad to see good attendance.
Chief Mitchell:                  Approval Meeting minutes (October 2022), motion, second and approved.
Chief Chad Davis:             Treasurers Report

October Balance:                                              $9,041.95

Revenue                                                                      0

Expense                                                               $2,000.00

Scholarships: 4 x $500.00

November Balance:                                        $7,041.95

  • Chief Davis informed membership that he will begin invoicing department for membership dues in January 2023.

Committee Report:

Nominations Committee: Tony Brock (Rome-Floyd Fire Dept.)

  • The committee provided notice of members nominated for association officers. The nominations were as follows:
    • President:                Darrell Mitchell
    • 1st Vice President: Bruce king
    • 2nd Vice President: Doug Ralston
    • Secretary: Tim Prather
    • Treasurer: Chad Davis
  • Doug Ralston declined the nomination and withdrew from the election process.
  • Nomination from the floor to nominate Clay Walker for 2nd Vice President with C. Walker accepting nomination.
  • There was a motion, a second with no discussion, with unanimous approval to accept the following officers to serve beginning January 2023.

President:                           Darrell Mitchell                 Cherokee County

1st Vice President:            Bruce King                           Bartow County

2nd Vice President:           Clay Walker                        City of Rome Georgia

Secretary:                           Tim Prather                        Pickens County

Treasurer:                           Chad Davis                          Cherokee County

  • Chief Mitchell thanked everyone for their support and reported that we should be back on track to normal operations beginning in January 2023.

Georgia Association Fire Chiefs: No representative

  • Chief Mitchell reported that the Pipeline Classes are still on going and encourages all of public safety to participate in the classes.
  • Also reported that if anyone was interested in becoming an instructor, please contact GAFC.

Georgia State Firefighters Association: Jason Amerson

  • Jason reported that President Gary Clark sends his regards because he could not attend today.
  • Report: GFA currently has 3136 members
  • Report: The district representative for our district is Deputy Chief Brad Roberson, Rome FD.
  • All fire departments will be receiving surveys requesting statistical data.
  • GSFA will have a reference book that will include current Fire Chiefs and good contact information.
  • GSFA President Gary Clark is accepting applications for District Representatives. If interested contact him [email protected] or call 770-540-4150
  • GSFA is looking for departments to host district meetings. President Clark is requesting 2 district meetings in every district this year.
  • GA State Firefighters Appreciation Day, February 7,2023 at the State Capitol with a legislator dinner to follow in the evening.

Georgia Firefighter Standards & Training: Director Randy Toms

  • Reported that he is working with a smaller staff.
  • Reported that certification testing has gotten better with new staff.
  • Reported that at the first of the year, a new testing program will be initiated. (Cadence)
  • Reported that they will be participating in an interview with Mercer Broadcasting to talk about the associations and the issues related to recruiting in the fire service.
  • Christina Tipton reported information about a 25K grant with 10% max match.
  • Reported about the tax grant – maybe a little more/same.

Georgia Fire Academy – Ronnie Cowart

  • Provided an update on the North Georgia Volunteer Initiative Program that is going well.
  • Reported that the basic FF program is in revamp, support, and volunteers.
  • Reported that they are working to do more Regional classes.
  • Reported that the Georgia Firefighter Memorial was conducted with 16 firefighters honored.
  • Reported the online class for Company Officer Community Risk Reduction will be available online starting December 1, 2022.
  • The annual report is posted on the GFA website. It was a record year in 2022 and plans to have a better year in 2023.
  • Reported the “Youth Fires-setter” symposium went well in November with nearly 100 attendees. Expect to see more youth fire-setter classes in the future.
  • Reported several campus hands-on classes scheduled for the weekend of Dec 9 – 11 with seats still available.
  • Reported that there is a “training blitz” on a Saturday planned for March 2023 in Cleveland, Georgia. More details to come.

Georgia Firefighters Pension Fund: Luther

  • Reported that the numbers have not changed much over the past several years.
  • There is an increase in “retirees”.
  • Explained that firefighter premium payments do not fund the pension. It is the insurance tax from the state.
  • Reported that firefighter profile information is “bad”. All firefighters participating in the program should update their information as soon as practical.
  • Reported new members area is up and running online.
  • Reported that volunteer fire department affidavits will be sent out soon.

GSAR:  Terry Mills

  • Terry reported that previously he reported that they were buying another trailer for GSAR. He indicated that he misspoke about that purchase and that they were in fact “not”purchasing a trailer.
  • The money available will be used to purchase shoring equipment.
  • Reported that all the members need to get their re-cert packages in and active members are needed.

GEMA – Chief Mitchell

  • Reported that there will be a Haz Mat symposium January 24-26. Housing reimbursement available but not any for food.


  • Reported that SHARP 2 Training still available.
  • Reported that Chattanooga forming a TIM team.
  • Reported that there are moves to be more pro-active with roadway design using Chattanooga Engineers.
  • GDOT will be doing safety audits and may be reaching out to any of us for input.


  • Ronnie Cowart – reporting that there is movement to develop program for Department Chaplains.
  • Randy Toms – Gave report on Cancer Insurance Program with input from membership describing issues.
  • Ronnie Cowart – spoke on the importance of PTSD.
  • Glenn Davis – brought up the passing of Gary McGhee and that the association has always sent flowers etc. to deceased members funeral service. It was recommended that a donation be made to the Alzheimer’s Foundation in the memory of Gary McGhee.  Motion made, seconded, no discussion and unanimously approved to send $500.00 donation to the Alzheimer’s Foundation.


NAFECO – Shannon Sauls reported that they would match the $500.00 donation to the Alzheimer’s Foundation in the memory of Gary McGhee.

  • Shannon Sauls indicated setting up a Gary McGhee Scholarship Fund.
  • Shannon Sauls reported that January 12, 2023 marks the 55th anniversary of NAFECO and that there would be a celebration at their facility.

Southeast Restoration – Mike Smith

  • Reported on their “Loss Evaluator” program that they have available to all fire departments.
  • Reported that Michelle Ice will be presenting a Cancer Awareness Presentation in Bartow County.
  • Reported on their customer care.


  • Provided words of motivation for all members.

CLOSING – Darrell Mitchell  

  • Asked for anything else for the good of the order. Nothing additional.
  • Announced that the next meeting will be January 24, 2023 in Rome, Georgia.
  • Motion to adjourn: 11:36; seconded and approved.

Tim Prather