Download the pdf file of the September 26, 2023, Minutes.

Northwest Georgia Fire Chiefs Association 
Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2023
Blue Ridge, Georgia
Host:  Fannin County Fire Department 
Scribe:  T. Prather, Secretary   

10:00 AM Meeting Called to Order – Darrell Mitchell 

  • Welcome: Fire Chief Larry Thomas, Fannin County 
  • Fannin County Commission Chair – Jamie Hensley  
  • Chief Mitchell – Pledge of Allegiance 
  • Invocation – Chief Ward, Bartow County  
  • Chief Mitchell – Introduction of Executive Board Members 

Bruce King, Bartow County– Vice President
Clay Walker, Rome  – 2nd Vice President 
Tim Prather, Pickens County – Secretary 
Chad Davis., Cherokee County – Treasurer  

Reminder of the Elections coming up in November. Nominations need to be submitted.  

Encourages all members to reach out to bring in new members, especially from organizations in our area currently not represented.  

TREASURERS REPORT – Chief Mitchell (Chief Davis not present)   

  • Previous ending balance $8,532.96 
  • Deposits      200.00 
  • Expense – Presentation Check      208.08 
  • Scholarships $2,000.00 
  • Ending Balance $6,524.88  

Motion to accept, second and passed.  

 Meeting Minutes (July) – Chief Mitchell  

 Motion to accept, second and passed.  

 Agency Reports  

 GAFC –  Chief Mitchell  

  • Gave report that the joint conference was another great and successful event. 
  • Explained the difference between the Joint Conference and the Chiefs Executive Conference. 
  • Informed all that there will not be a regular executive conference next year.  The spring conference will be held in the metro area jointly with the Southeast Conference.  
  • Informed all that during the open floor discussion at the conference, there seems to be interest to bring in more “hands on” training at the joint conference.  

GFA (Georgia Firefighters Association) – Chief Bruce King  

  • Announce that they are working on identifying the location of the next joint conference in 2024.  
  • Announced that if anyone has any question regarding current legislation, please reach out to members.  

 GFSTC(Standards & Training) –  Christina Tipton  

  • Announced starting January 1, 2024, they would be starting arson certification dog handler.  
  • Reported that there were 285 Test Events and may have 325 by the end of September.  
  • Reported that Chief Officers need to ensure that they are on their department roster.  
  • Announced that the department needs to ensure that email address are correct. 
  • Announced that they are working on re-branding their web site and are currently contracting with a production company.  
  • If anyone needs anything from her, please email her.  
  • Reported the ACADA online testing system being implemented.  


  • When members are being suspending from the fund, they are now sending notice to the member and the department. This is in response to addressing complaints about suspension.  The last know department is where the department notice will be sent. If a department receives notice and the member is no longer there, simply send the notice back.  

 GEMA – Tim Reeve 

  • Reported that you can visit the GEMA website to view training that is being conducted and should be looked at monthly for any updates.  
  • Announced that Continuity of Operations is happening and encourages more participation in that training program.  

 GSAR – Chief Terry Mills  

  • Reported that they just received a $48,500.00 state grant.  
  • They had requested funding for a trailer and shoring equipment.  
  • TF-6 will finalize details next week.  
  • Hopeful to display new equipment at the November meeting in Calhoun.  
  • Announced that the GSAR packets still need completed. 
  •  Announced that the GSAR TF-6 uniforms have changed and will be going to the green/black colors that are easily recognized.  

 GMAG – Chief Bruce King  

  • Announced that they are currently updating rosters.  
  • Asked everyone to go to the GMAG website and ensure you are there and current.  

 FORESTRY – Blake  

  • Gave report on the Drought Monitor and that above rainfall average is expected in October.  
  • Reported that they are now fully staffed with 55 personnel.  Currently no openings.  
  • Reported that 90% on the North Georgia personnel are new hires.  
  • Reported that there are a couple of grants that go around and encourage to check in on them.  
  • Reported there is military surplus equipment available through GA Forestry.  The only cost to acquire is an administrative fee.  Contact Forestry for additional information.  
  • Reported that there is a grant available for Wildland PPE.   

 TIME – Ray King  

  • Announce that they are implementing the new navigator camera system CLARE.  
  • Continuing to deliver the SHRP 2 training across the state.  
  • Continuing to deliver the TIM Team training as well.  

 11:06 – Chier Bruce King assuming the lead of meeting. Chief Mitchell had to leave.  

GFBF (Burn Foundation) – D. Gardin  

  • Reported and provided discussion on the Give Burns the Boot program and its importance.  
  • Reported just finishing up the burn retreat. Reported 22 attended last year with over 100 this year that included 28 families.  
  • Announced that they are always looking for volunteers to help with all the programs.  

 REGION 2 EMS – Lanier Swafford  

  • Announced that late renewals are due by Friday.  
  • Reported that out of 29 Agencies, only 7 had transitioned to the new GEMSI and there is a November 1 deadline to complete.   

 OLD BUSINESS – Chief B. King  

  • Reminded all that there was no training meeting today. If you have anyone interested in participating on the training committee, contact Chief T. Little.  
  • Announcement of Scholarship recipients.  
  • Joshua Cochran Gordon County 
  • Matthew Cowart Bartow County 
  • Dalton Hamby Cherokee County 
  • Montana Teems Pickens County 
  • Joint conference report – reiterated that the joint conference was another great one.  

 NEW BUSINESS – Chief B. King  

  • This will be the committee to submit nominations for the election of officers in November.  The positions are as follows:   President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  
  • Announced that the next meeting will be November, 28, 2023 hosted by Calhoun FD.   
  • Announce that the host for 2024 meetings is wide open. Anyone interested in hosting please let us know.  


 1-800-BOARD UP  

  • Described the services the provide that includes security and victim assistance.  


  • Explained the services they provide to assist with property loss estimations as well as saved estimations.  

 GIFT CARD GIVE AWAY – Chief B. King  

 REMINDER – Next meeting November 28, 2023 at Calhoun Fire Department.  Address is 171 Executive Drive, Calhoun, GA.  
 Fire Chief Lary Thomas – Let’s Eat. 
Motion to adjourn, seconded and passed. 
Meeting adjourned at 11:46 hours  

Tim Prather